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Welcome to the Realm!

Your mission

Scour the kingdom for gold & return to your castle victorious.



From the depths of lockdown, and the machinations of a 12-year old for his school project, comes the best board game since....well, ever!

Realm of Auld© is a fast-playing strategic game, fun for everyone.

It's ten times more exciting than Scrabble, fifty times less tedious than Ludo and twice as vindictive as Monopoly, with more twists and turns than the Loch Ness Monster tied in a bow.

We've spent a couple of years working to get things just right, and we're currently making up our first prototypes so that others can finally get their hands on the game.

Our aim is to raise funds to make this available to everyone, but we're not quite there yet. Check out our pages above to learn more about the game. Get in touch, subscribe, or pre-order if you'd like to be one of the first to enter the Realm.


You are a viking from the Auld times of magic and mystery.

Your quest is to discover, fight and steal your way to a treasure of gold and return to your castle.

But it's not a simple quest. Your opponents will connive, steal and fight, to get their way. Find sceptres, tunnels and potions to improve your chances, but beware - your health may wane as you battle magic and plague.

Be prepared to change tactics and alliances at every roll of the die. Welcome to the Realm!


Let us keep you up to date on progress and time to launch.


This is a father-son garage project, running on a shoestring. Help us bring this awesome game to life!



Want to be the first to play?

Sign up, and when we make it to market you'll be first in line.